SHE 2024-04-04T12:50:23+00:00

Unify Your Royal Kingdom Within

Superhero Effect™


Five Secret Yogic Habits to Embody Balance & Power Now

Your 21-Day Journey to Consciously Choosing a Heroic Heart & a Brilliant Brain

Over Emotional Reactivity

by Vera L. Quijano, RYT, BS, MPA, MS

Scientific Hypothesis One: The human brain is magickly endowed with the elemental wisdom and power of the collective personality traits of a heroic and brilliant royal family of four: a Queen, a Teen, a Child, and a King. You are they. Your four personalities are neuroanatomically distinct. Each has an ego with a unique set of knowledge, skills, and abilities, and expresses a predictable spectrum of strengths and weaknesses. Despite any perceived negative traits, each is equally worthy of love, honor, respect, and (Self-) forgiveness. You can choose to appreciate each member several times per day, promoting optimal individual growth and smoother heart brain family dynamics.  They are Your Royal Kingdom Within.

Scientific Hypothesis Two: Your four royal brain family members correlate with your first four chakras. You can aim your healing attention and intention to any area of your body while following your five not-so-secret yogic habits to B.L.I.S.S., no special equipment necessary! Chakra yoga postures can allow us to visualize and readily embody the Superhero Effect™. The number five represents the energy of change. Think versatility, resiliency, adaptability. You can choose to avoid or diffuse negative thoughts, prevent immature or illegal behaviors, and create lasting, blissful change. The cells of your nervous and endocrine systems secrete neurotransmitters and hormones as directed by your choices of thoughts, words, intentions, beliefs, actions, inactions, and food and drink consumption. Our choices create our biochemical reality. We are Behavior (Co-) Creators.

  • Left Thinking Brain
  • Your Persona or Mask
  • Conscious
  • Root Chakra
  • Left Feeling Brain
  • Your Shadow Self
  • Unconscious
  • Sacral Plexus Chakra
  • Right Feeling Brain
  • Your Animus or Anima
  • Unconscious
  • Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Right Thinking Brain
  • Your Integrated Self
  • Conscious & Unconscious
  • Heart Chakra